Personal Loans & Finance - Gain the Advantage of Internet Loan Applications
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Personal Loans & Finance - Gain the Advantage of Internet Loan Applications
By Bill Clarke
Problem credit, no problem.
Does that frighten you, just a little? With today's ruptured economy and the blight of the savings and loan programs just barely under the carpet, you may be thinking that getting a loan today is difficult. It really is not, however, it does take a bit of jumping through the hoops. And, in all reality, if you're getting it online, you may not be borrowing from a recognized bank.
Identity theft is rampant.
Check for real credentials with any company you're borrowing from online. Make sure the company offers viable and creditable information you can verify before you give them your identity, your social security number, your driver's license and your bank account information. Or you may need more than a personal loan to get you out of hock.
Look for Veri-Check and other Verifiable Identification Markings.
If the site doesn't have verifiable markings and they're asking for your identity, you might want to reconsider. Those identifiers should be recognizable as the marks you see on other banking documents and you should be able to read them easily. Without them, you may be dealing with a scammer.
Information first.
If the site offers information and sends you away from the site for the actual banking transaction, it's probably a legitimate information site, offering you necessary information and helpful referrals to get what you need. You may have an opportunity to reconsider and budget first, or be offered a book that will help you achieve your goals without borrowing money. These aren't bad. You can always opt out, but look them over, you may not need a loan.
Consider budget.
If you get a loan, can you pay it back? This is a prime consideration and any lender worth using will ask you this question. Be prepared with an answer, both for yourself and for the lender. Be prepared to look over the questions and give viable, credible answers when asked.
Be honest.
No matter what the question, answer honestly. If you lie on the application, it's often as if you're lying under oath. Be honest. I can't express that strongly enough. Don't give or imply false information. You can and will be held accountable for it.
Find your dream at and learn the value of a good solid financial standing. You'll get to know interesting facts about lending, budgets and personal finance.
High Risk Personal Loan
Does that frighten you, just a little? With today's ruptured economy and the blight of the savings and loan programs just barely under the carpet, you may be thinking that getting a loan today is difficult. It really is not, however, it does take a bit of jumping through the hoops. And, in all reality, if you're getting it online, you may not be borrowing from a recognized bank.
Identity theft is rampant.
Check for real credentials with any company you're borrowing from online. Make sure the company offers viable and creditable information you can verify before you give them your identity, your social security number, your driver's license and your bank account information. Or you may need more than a personal loan to get you out of hock.
Look for Veri-Check and other Verifiable Identification Markings.
If the site doesn't have verifiable markings and they're asking for your identity, you might want to reconsider. Those identifiers should be recognizable as the marks you see on other banking documents and you should be able to read them easily. Without them, you may be dealing with a scammer.
Information first.
If the site offers information and sends you away from the site for the actual banking transaction, it's probably a legitimate information site, offering you necessary information and helpful referrals to get what you need. You may have an opportunity to reconsider and budget first, or be offered a book that will help you achieve your goals without borrowing money. These aren't bad. You can always opt out, but look them over, you may not need a loan.
Consider budget.
If you get a loan, can you pay it back? This is a prime consideration and any lender worth using will ask you this question. Be prepared with an answer, both for yourself and for the lender. Be prepared to look over the questions and give viable, credible answers when asked.
Be honest.
No matter what the question, answer honestly. If you lie on the application, it's often as if you're lying under oath. Be honest. I can't express that strongly enough. Don't give or imply false information. You can and will be held accountable for it.
Find your dream at and learn the value of a good solid financial standing. You'll get to know interesting facts about lending, budgets and personal finance.
High Risk Personal Loan
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