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Monday, January 12, 2009

4 Essential Tips for Getting a Personal Loan

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High Risk Personal Loans Presents:

4 Essential Tips for Getting a Personal Loan
by Tom Becker

First you need to decide if you really need a loan. Shopping for a low interest loan to pay off higher interest loans is a good idea but make sure you can afford a new loan. Will the additional monthly payment make it difficult for you to pay your bills? Shop around for low rates and only accept necessary credit. If you follow these tips, your chances of getting a personal loan are very high.

Work on improving your credit score

If you need to take out a loan but are concerned that your credit report is not attractive enough for a good rate, get a copy of your report and settle some old debts. If you can wipe some of the negative marks from your credit report, your score will improve and future loans will be cheaper. Banks will see that you are responsible enough to tackle old debts and will be more forgiving of your situation.

Consider a co-signer

If you do not think your credit will get you a loan, consider obtaining a co-signer. The co-signer must have sound credit as their strong financial history will serve as a guarantee to the bank. Do not enter into a co-signer agreement lightly. Make sure the friend or relative you approach for the co-sign is aware of the risks at hand. They must know that if you default on the loan that they will be responsible for paying it back. It is likely that if you cease making payments on the loan that the co-signer will be contacted for payment. Talk this over at length with the person you choose to co-sign and discuss the risks to the relationship if the loan goes into default.

Use collateral

Another way to get a personal loan is by using collateral. This means you offer the bank a portion of your personal property to guarantee payment. Most people use their automobile or home as collateral. Your offering of personal property shows the bank you are serious about paying back the loan. If the loan goes into default, the bank or financial institution is free to sell your property to get their money back. If the value of your collateral is higher than the loan amount, you would likely get a lower interest rate.

Get your finances in shape

If you are serious about getting a loan from an honorable bank, you will need to show that you can afford to pay for it. If you have a good paying job but are still living paycheck to paycheck due to monthly expenses, you are considered a risk to the bank. Consider shaving back your monthly expenses to allow more money to be freed up from your income. Cut back on unnecessary expenses and start saving as much as possible. If you are successfully saving money from your paychecks, you can build a large enough amount to offer as a down payment on the loan.

About the Author

Tom Becker writes for MoneyCompare.com.au, the popular Australian money comparison website covering everything from personal loans and car loans to mortgages, insurance coverage, credit cards and bank accounts.

High Risk Personal Loan


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